Taxes & collection
Cipal Schaubroeck has developed the ideal solutions to make the whole system of taxes and fiscal or non-fiscal charges clear, to estimate the income that a certain charge can generate, and to ensure the necessary monitoring
Cipal Schaubroeck has employees with years of experience in tax collection for both local and higher government authorities (the Flemish Government and provinces), involving very large numbers of claims that need to be issued and followed up.
Our solutions automate the creation of tax assessments, the printing of tax assessment notices, the monitoring of payments and reminders, and individual processing in the accounts. Thanks to this large number of automated collection processes and claims processed, governments can collect taxes quickly, very efficiently and with great cost savings.
The flexible and adjustable character of our solutions allows various types of claims to be processed and monitored in one global system. This conceptual set-up also makes it possible to carry out actions and processes for several types of claim at once, from a ‘taxpayers/debtors’ perspective. In other words, you are not limited to pure ‘taxes’, but can also collect municipal administrative (GAS) fines by means of a link to the police’s ISLP system. Other non-fiscal claims are also possible.
The findings from the Flemish Government’s Thema audit (February 2016) regarding local taxes and fees have all been integrated into our solutions.
Countless options:
Cipal Schaubroeck can offer you solutions that function either locally in your administrative centre or centrally, in our data centre.
We also offer an end-to-end solution that goes all the way to printing claims, putting them in envelopes and dispatching them. However, dispatching can also be done using more the cost-efficient electronic platforms such as Doccle, eBox and e-mail.
Linking to external systems is possible, including integration with your administration’s own file processing system or supporting the collection activities of bailiffs through various asynchronous electronic information streams with the National Bailiffs’ Association (Nationale Kamer van Gerechtsdeurwaarders).
Our solutions also provide a legal archive for collection files, so it is no longer necessary to keep paper files for each taxpayer/debtor.
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