Public procurement
When public bodies want to order certain services, goods or work from companies, they must stick closely to the laws on public procurement. But it is not only public bodies that are bound by these rules. A whole series of organisations and associations come under the regulations regarding public procurement. Furthermore, the rules in this area are very complicated, and not following them can have serious consequences for your organisation.
To help you with this, Cipal Schaubroeck has developed a solution that automates most of the public procurement process.
You start by creating a file. Then you publish the announcement and generate the call-for-tenders text.
CS-procure helps you to select bidders, award the tender and monitor implementation. This solution covers everything: a contract with or without lots, framework agreements, goods, works or services and so on.
With CS-procure, you automatically publish your files on e-Notification.
Furthermore, it is easy to integrate CS-procure with your meeting and minutes management, your policy management cycle (BBC) suite and the VKBO (Enriched Crossroads Bank for Enterprises). As well as generating the call for tender and all necessary documents, CS-procure also takes care of all the timings in the entire tendering process.
CS-procure has been developed in close collaboration with EBP, the Belgian public procurement specialist. This means that you also have access to EBP’s tendering database. CS-procure is officially accredited by the FPS Policy and Support as an ‘e-sender’, meaning that contracts can be published on the e-notification platform.
In short, CS-procure supports you with public procurements from A to Z.
Who can CS-procure help?
- experienced procurement officers who manage large volumes of public procurements/li>
- procurement officers who occasionally need to publish a call for tender for a public contract
- procurement officers from local administrations and OCMWs
- procurement officers from police districts and emergency service zones
- procurement officers from educational institutions
- procurement officers from provincial, regional and federal government departments
- procurement officers from educational institutions
- procurement officers from care institutions
- procurement officers from inter-communal and procurement centres
- procurement departments in non-profit organisations
- utility companies/li>
More info
Contact us for more information or for a demonstration.